

1.Please provide a basic introduction of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone. What challenges do you face in the area of IP protection?  Your role and functions? What are your current focuses? 


2.What can you offer to promote exchange of information and mutual understanding of US and Chinese IP laws and practice? Do you have any experience, ideas or suggestions?


3.What can the Free Trade Zone do, or have done, to promote exchange and corporation between China and US with respect to IP and IP protection?


4.For example, what measures or steps you can take, or have taken, to help foreign entities doing business in China, and to protect their intellectual properties?


5.Do you have any experiences you can share about IP protection in China or in the Free Trade Zone?


6.Within the Free Trade Zone, how the IP disputes handled? For the cases in the Free Trade Zone, what are the percentages of patent cases, trademark cases, or other types of cases? Cases involving local, or foreign parties?

在自贸区内,知识产权案件是怎样处理的? 各类不同案件中,专利商标侵权都占多大比重? 本地案件,涉外案件?

主办单位:中国知识产权研究会 | 维护单位:中国知识产权研究会联络发展部
版权所有:中国知识产权研究会  未经许可不得复制