1. Why there is such a need in China to treat IP differently than other cases so that an IP court is required?
2. What kind of resources (personnel, financial, research, investigation, etc.) will be available for the IP court?
3. Will China establish more IP courts in nationwide? What factors should be taken into consideration if someplace is suggested to establish an IP court?
中国会在全国范围内设立更多知识产权法院吗? 如果某地被建议设立知识产权法院,需要考虑哪些因素?
4. What do you see as the obstacle, if any, to extend IP courts, and to strengthen IP enforcement in China?
5. Lately,the highest court on IP set a position of technical inquisitor for the first time,can you tell us what affairs a technical inquisitor should deal with?
6. Will the highest court on IP keep the position of technical inquisitor?
7. Will all authorized courts on IP set the position of technical inquisitor?If yes, when it comes ture?
8. Would there be sufficiently trained judges with IP experience or specialized technical background?
9. Would there be training programs to generate pools of such specialized and professional judges?
10. What will be the relationship of the IP court to other high courts? Their hierarchy and structure? Will it be the highest court on IP without further appeal?
11. Currently, in some Chinese cities, administrative, criminal and civil IP complaints are heard in the same chamber. How would the court system separate IP cases from other cases in lower courts and streamlining the appeal system?
12. How can we address the problems of different judging standards, low efficiency, and variation of judges’ professional level at the lower court level under the current judicial and administrative system?
13. Will all the judicial decisions be published? If not, which decisions will be selected for publication?
14. How quickly will the judicial decisions be published?