1. According to the proposed amendment to the Patent Law, SIPO would be responsible for establishing/building a patent information service system for the public, and for promoting communication and utilization of patent information. Does SIPO have any vision or plan on how to fulfil this responsibility?
2. Is there any concrete plan to provide complete and update patent prosecution file wrapper, full PRB decisions, and title transfer/licencing information to the public in the near future?
3. According to the proposed revision of the Patent Law, SIPO is required to “provide basic data for patent information”. In SIPO’s view, what are included in the “basic data for patent information”? 征求意见稿中提到国知局要“提供专利信息基础数据”。国知局对“基础数据”怎么解释?都包含哪些数据?
4. The draft Patent Law Amendment gives SIPO additional power and authority, namely SIPO is to be “responsible for regulation and administration of patent related market”. Assuming this passes into law, what exactly is SIPO’s role in the regulation and administration of the market place? Will SIPO itself be able to take administrative actions at different levels? If so when will/can SIPO exercise this authority? Has SIPO made any plan or proposal for how to fulfil this responsibility?
5. How will the above change affect foreign patent holders? 如何评估上述变化可能会对国外专利权人带来的影响?
6. The draft Patent Law Amendment proposes that local patent administrative agencies (at county level or higher) are responsible for administrative enforcement of patents in their respective local region. What will be the relationship between local patent administrative agencies and SIPO? Will local agencies report to the local government or to SIPO? If the former, how will SIPO oversee and control consistent patent administrative enforcement throughout China, and avoid local protectionism?
征求意见稿提议县级以上地方专利行政部门负责本行政区域内的专利工作,开展专利行政执法,查处专利侵权和假冒专利行为,提供专利公共服务。那么,在专利行政执法方面,国知局与地方局是何种关系? 地方局需要向当地政府还是国知局负责、汇报,受谁的领导?如果受是当地政府领导,国知局将怎样协调、统筹并监督管理各地专利行政执法的政策与执行,避免地方保护主义?
7. We welcome the addition to Art. 60 on penalties for group infringement or repeated infringement. Can you clarify which entity will benefit from (receive) the penalty collected from the infringers? Will any of the collected amount be awarded to the patentee, or will it all go to the government?
8. When patent infringement is found by an administrative body, but not necessarily intentional, are administrative remedies available to the patentee? Will they be limited to orders of prohibiting further infringement, and seizure and destruction of infringing products and tools, etc.? Can SIPO or the local patent office provide any additional remedy to the patentee? For example, can SIPO or a local patent office levy any penalties or taxes on the infringer? If so, in what circumstances?
9. We welcome the addition to Art. 61 on requiring infringer to provide accounting information for calculating damages or default to the damages alleged by the patentee. Currently, this is limited to an order by the court. Is there any effort to extend this power to SIPO and local patent offices during administrative enforcement? For example, if the infringer does not provide information on the amount of sales of infringing product, does SIPO or the local patent office have any authority to order the infringer to do so?
10. We welcome the addition to Art. 63 on penalties for fake patents; the addition to Art. 64 on the additional power provided to SIPO and other patent offices for investigating patent infringement activities. (We also welcome the addition to Art. 65 on awards of double to treble damages for intentional patent infringement.) Will SIPO actively pursue this? Does this require requests from the patentee or right holder? Will the patentee be allowed, or required, to participate or provide information and assistance?
11. We welcome the addition of Art. 71 regarding responsibility and liability of internet service providers for patent infringement by their customers. Will this provision apply to foreign “internet service providers”? Will this apply to products sold to a foreign market but through a Chinese internet service provider? Will this provision be limited to infringement of Chinese patents, or it can apply when a foreign patent is infringed by the customers of the internet service provider?
12. Re. new Art 76, how will SIPO promote utilization of patents? What specific steps have SIPO considered?
13. In recent years, there has been significant development in the U.S. and Canada on the patentability of business methods and computer-related inventions. There were studies showing that SIPO’s practice in this aspect is more restrictive than the USPTO and EPO, and there have been some suggestions for SIPO to revise its practice or guidelines in this regard to be more in line with other patent offices particularly USPTO and EPO. Has SIPO taken any steps to, or will it in the near future, revise or clarify SIPO’s practice guidelines on patentable subject matter related to business methods and computer-related inventions, with a view for harmonisation?
14. In the same area of patentable subject matter, proposed Art. 25 introduces an exception to the rule on non-patentability of methods of diagnosis and treatment of diseases, now allowing such methods if they pertain to bred animals. It is stated that the purpose is to promote innovation in large scale livestock, poultry, and aquaculture production, thus acknowledging the clear correlation between innovation and development and IPRs protecting investment. As such, could the law likewise be further expanded to promote the development of the burgeoning medical diagnostics industry, where the business model depends on the clinical lab that runs diagnostic assays and vendors who sell the labs instruments and assay kits with instructions on how to analyze samples to provide the doctor with useful information to guide their ultimate diagnosis and treatment plan. It is clear that new instruments are patentable and novel, inventive reagents used in a bioassay kit are patentable. However, many useful assays involve the analysis of a biomarker with known techniques and may either be run on the whole patient (e.g. PET scan) or biosamples isolated from the patient (e.g. blood samples). Presently, such inventions are difficult to patent, in spite of the fact that such patents would have the same beneficial impact on development of the Chinese industry as they are having on agribusiness.
15. What is the SIPO’s view on patent term extension? Will SIPO support or propose to amend the law to provide any term extension, with a view for harmonisation?
16. Can SIPO comment on the current views on use of compulsory licenses?
17. Could SIPO comment on the developing PPH programs? Are there statistics available for invention patent applications examined under the various PPH programs? For example, how much has the examination pendency been reduced? What are the grant and rejection rates? First action allowance rate?
18. We presume that the IP5 Dossier project is part of the response to questions 1-3; can you comment on its progress, particularly noting the IP5 Global Dossier Task Force (GDTF) meeting on 20-22 May? What is the status of the planned launch of the SIPO file wrapper service? What types of documents beyond written amendments and written opinions will be eventually made available to the public? Will free machine translation of documents be part of this service accessible by the public?
IP5专利档案项目看来应该可部分解决上述问题(1-3), 特别是我们知道IP5全球档案工作组(GDTF)刚刚在5月20日至22日开过会,您能否对其目前进展发表评论?国知局计划推出的专利档案包服务现在是什么情况?都有哪些类型的文件最终会公布,除了书面修改文件和书面审查报告?作为方便公众获取这些信息服务的一部分,会提供免费机器翻译吗?
19. Could SIPO comment on how amended Art 41(2) and 46(2)(3) are to be implemented to avoid subjecting patentees to risk of arbitrary challenge of their granted patents by the State through PRB initiated re-examination?
20. With regard to inventor remuneration, Article 18 of the regulations states that an agreement that eliminates the inventor’s reward or is deemed unfair can be ruled invalid. However, it is often difficult if not impossible to track and distinguish the value of one or more inventions, let alone ‘Know How’, in a marketed product and many companies compensation and benefits packages for their inventions do fairly compensate employees without itemized awards and/or profit sharing based on inventive contributions. How can Entities protect themselves in such cases, assuming they do have remuneration agreements/policies in place? Otherwise, the resulting business uncertainty could drive research driven business/multinationals offshore.
21. Has the revision to the examination procedure of utility model patent applications resulted in any significant delay in the examination of these and other applications due to the added workload?